Would you like to:
- learn French
- improve your proficiency in written and/or spoken French
- prepare for a French exam
- gain a competitive edge in the job market
- enroll in a French-speaking university
- help your children enhance their language skills
- succeed in a job interview in French and secure employment ...
Vous aimeriez:
- apprendre le français
- améliorer votre niveau à l'écrit et/ou à l'oral
- préparer un examen de français
- avoir un avantage compétitif sur le marché du travail
- vous inscrire dans une université francophone
- aider vos enfants à enrichir leurs compétences linguistiques
- réussir un entretien d'embauche en français et décrocher un emploi ...
Learn more about l'Académie
L'Académie is the secure online French course platform by La Passerelle, accessible 24/7 from any device, and designed by a passionate expert teacher.
The platform caters to all types of learners:
- auditory learners (who learn by listening and re-listening to integrate concepts)
- visual learners (who need to read, see images, or use diagrams to retain information)
- kinesthetic learners (who need to manipulate objects to learn)
At l'Académie, the training programs are 100% online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and balance work and family.
You will find all the pedagogical resources needed to succeed in your training projects.
Découvrez l'Académie
L'Académie, c'est la plateforme sécurisée de cours de français en ligne de La Passerelle, accessible 24/7, de n'importe quel appareil et conçue par une enseignante experte passionnée.
La plateforme s'adresse à tous les types d'apprenants:
- auditifs (qui apprennent en écoutant et en réécoutant pour intégrer les notions)
- visuels (qui ont besoin de lire, de voir des images ou des schémas pour retenir)
- kinesthésiques (qui ont besoin de manipuler des objets pour apprendre)
À l'Académie les formations sont 100% en ligne pour apprendre à votre rythme et vous permettre de concilier travail et famille.
Vous y trouverez toutes les ressources pédagogiques pour réussir vos projets de formation.
Children too !
Les enfants aussi !

Online tutoring
Our private and personalized tutoring sessions help children improve their reading and writing skills. We use teaching methods tailored to young learners, focusing on basic concepts in French: conjugation, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. With engaging activities and varied resources, each child can progress at their own pace while having fun.

Tutorat en ligne
Nos séances de tutorat privées et personnalisées aident les enfants à améliorer leurs compétences en lecture et écriture. Nous utilisons des méthodes pédagogiques adaptées aux jeunes apprenants, en mettant l'accent sur les notions de base en français: conjugaison, grammaire, vocabulaire et prononciation. Avec des activités engageantes et des ressources variées, chaque enfant peut progresser à son propre rythme tout en s'amusant.

My children said they never worried about making a mistake.
Delphine has provided French tutoring sessions to both my children. They attended an English elementary school in Quebec and though they were strong academically we wanted to ensure they would be admitted into the Enriched French program at their high school which is known to be challenging. My son did a year of tutoring with Delphine in grade 6 and was successfully admitted to the French Enriched program. The individual attention he received gave him a great foundation in French grammar and prepared him well. My daughter started her French tutoring with Delphine in grade 5. She has also progressed significantly and is much more comfortable with grammar concepts and speaking. Her confidence has improved greatly. Delphine has a patient, positive approach. She provides a variety of activities to practice concepts. My children said they never worried about making a mistake and came out of every lesson saying they enjoyed working with her.
— A very satisfied mom